
The Indie Podcaster with Kieran MacRae

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Your Downloads Drop In Summer - That's Okay

Read on my website Read time: 2 mins Hey Reader! - Summer fun as I came in from the garden, washed my hands, and noticed there was a bee sitting on my shoulder... Good luck? Bad luck? I can't decide.P.S. I've changed my website domain from Platform Podcasting to Podcast Marketing Puzzle, so next week you should receieve emails from that domain instead :) Affiliate Partner of the Week Overwhelmed by editing? Let Next Day Podcast take care of it. Keeping up with editing is perhaps the most...

Read on my website Read time Hey Reader! - The launch went great! Thanks for asking. Now the sun is shining, and I'm heading off for a long weekend. Appreciate you being here. Affiliate Partner of the Week I've been using Alitu to half the time I spend editing. And you can too. If you're tired of editing taking up too much of your week, then you need to try Alitu's 7-day free trial. Just click below. Free 7 day trial of Alitu Should You Add Your Name to Your Podcast? w/ Kieran MacRae 53...

Read on my website Read time: 2 minutes Hey Reader! - Exciting times ahead. The new ebook launches on Monday! Be the first to know about the launch bonuses by clicking here. Affiliate Partner of the Week Overwhelmed by editing? Let Next Day Podcast take care of it. Keeping up with editing is perhaps the most tedious part of podcast production. You don't have a ton of time, you don't have the energy, and too many late nights are spent in front of the laptop screen. Having worked with over...

Read on my website Read time: 3 minutes Hey Reader! - Fish tacos and sandy beaches with the wife, and walks in the woods with the dog. You can't beat summer. Quick heads up: I am working on an ebook titled How To Get 100,000 Podcast Downloads in 2 Hours per Week Without Advertising. I'll be launching it in the next couple of weeks with bonuses, so if you want to be the first to know, click here to join the waitlist. Today's newsletter is brought to you by... How to Get 100,000 Podcast...

Read on my website Read time: 2 minutes Hey Reader! - My forehead looks like a tomato, which means summer is here. And right on cue, someone is cutting grass outside my window. Thankfully, this is written, not recorded! Also, a quick heads up that I'm taking on podcast coaching clients; if anyone's looking for help, you can book a free chat here. Affiliate Partner of the Week Overwhelmed by editing? Let Next Day Podcast take care of it. Keeping up with editing is perhaps the most tedious part...

Read on my website Read time: 2 mins Hey Reader! - It is officially the second day of summer, and the sun is shining, which means two things: Trying to record when people aren't cutting their grass. And I'm going to manage to have my pizza garden party at the weekend. Swings and roundabouts. I'm excited to bring you today's issue, enjoy. Affiliate Partner of the Week I've been using Alitu to half the time I spend editing. And you can too. If you're tired of editing taking up too much of your...

Read on my website Read time: 2 minutes Hey Reader! - I'm working hard this week putting together an eBook on getting your first 100,000 podcast downloads. It's really coming together and going to be super valuable so stay tuned! Affiliate Partner of the Week Want professional-sounding audio? You need Auphonic. Brandon from the Mad Fientist podcast recommended Auphonic to me before Eilidh and I started Generally Spooky History. It was a game-changer. It meant that our audio sounded...

Read on my website Read time: 2 mins Hey Reader! It's gig time again at podcast HQ. This time, I'm lucky enough to be going to see Taylor Swift! Yes, I have friendship bracelets. And yes, I'm dressing up. I'll be going as Travis Kelsey (admittedly without the muscles...) Today's newsletter is brought to you by... The Template Vault Only the top 10% of podcasts get 500 downloads in the first seven days of an episode being released. In the last seven months, my podcast has gained 500 more...

Read on my website Read time: 2 minutes Hey Reader! I'm feeling very behind the times this week as I've been laid up with an illness that rhymes with shmovid for the last week. It's like so 2021... But my podcast, Generally Spooky History, is back with new episodes! Anyway, on to today's newsletter. Affiliate Partner of the Week Overwhelmed by editing? Let Next Day Podcast take care of it. Keeping up with editing is perhaps the most tedious part of podcast production. You don't have a ton of...

Read on my website Read time: 2 minutes Hey Reader! There's much excitement here in Scotland, well, in my house at least, because a new episode of Generally Spooky History coming out today! New podcast day is always a great day am-I-right? Today's newsletter is brought to you by... The Template Vault Only the top 10% of podcasts get 500 downloads in the first seven days of an episode being released. In the last seven months, my podcast has gained 500 more followers while only releasing a...